Monday, September 26, 2011

Research and planning - Something borrowed film trailer

Research and planning - Who are trailers aimed at?

Today in our media lesson, we were assigned to analyse different types of target audiences from different film genres. Below I have posted the table in which we were assigned to complete:


Target Audience

Features Appealing To Target Audience

Age Of Heroes

- 25-35 skewed to men
- Historians

- Action Genre
- Guns and explosion
- Set in war times
- Details of the war
- Fast paste editing
- Short takes
- silver and grey colours, bold text which represent masculinity

Transformers: Dark of the moon

- 16-25 years skewed to boys
- possibly to young teenage girls who are interested in the young romance between the two main characters but is mainly dominated to boys

- Robots and astronauts which represents males interests
- The film starts off as a documentary/factual style
- High use of dramatic music/slow tension music building up at the start of the film

- 25- 35 skewed to men
- Targeted for people who like formula 1 racing
- Beginning of the trailer is much more factual like
- Predominantly skewed to men

- Fast paste music
- Sense of humour
- Font is simple, clear and white
- Words which are used, genius and legend are targeted towards competitive men and are aimed towards men as opposed to women

By analysing the different target audiences for these three film trailers, it has been able to give my group and I an idea as to what kind of audience we are going to need to aim our film trailer to. This has helped due to all three of these films having a similar genre to one another which is action. This task has also helped by showing us the types of features we have to include in an action film to appeal to our target audience.

Potential Target Audience Bank

Teenage boys and girls / Families / Couples / 16-25 years skewed to boys / 16-25 years skewed to girls / 25 - 35 years skewed to women / 25-35 skewed to men / 35+

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Digital Technology
How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation 
My group and I used media technologies to construct and research during planning and evaluation stages by firstly using the internet. Sources such as youtube enabled us to plan our film for our specific audience and see how other films opened their films to keep their audience captivated, which helped us to construct our film. The internet helps you to keep in the know about new films, new media technologies and information about films. During construction we used digital technology such as cameras and adobe premier which helped us to develop our film to the best we could. Adobe helped us past the stage which we couldn't do manually. Such as cutting scenes and changing the colour etc. Using the digital camera enabled us to use different shots with effectiveness. Using the tripod helped us to keep our film looking professional and steady reather than using a handheld camera. Media technologies helped use during planning such as power-point so we could make a mind map of our film, what to include and plan our film shot by shot. During our evaluation technologies such as youtube and adobe premier to view our film and print screen shots to put into our final piece.

How did you use media forms to come up with something new and original? 
My group and I used media forms to come up with something original by researching into other films. For us it would be horror films as this is the genre we choose for our film. We looked in-depth at 'Sorority Row' as this had similar features to what we wanted our film to look like. For example, story line and background music.

Research and planning
How effective was the research and planning that you undertook in helping you to create your media product?
The research and planning that we undertook in helping to create our media product was effective throughout our research and planning. of our own media film. Research and planning was effective as we looked at many different types of films to get a rough idea of what was out in the cinemas and what kind of audience viewed different genres. Which films used certain types of music and what camera shots to make their film effective. Also, what costumes were used in different scenes, how long a shot was carried out for and how the scenes were set. Doing this helped with what audience we should aim our film at. Seeing other films helped us to plan  our costumes, shots, scenes, titles and typical stereotypes in a horror film. For example our black scene and red titles shows that danger is ahead.

What have you learned from your audience feedback?
Our audience feedback helped us to learn what were our weaknesses and strengths while making, planning and creating our film. What we could do better and how etc. This would now impact on how we would plan and evaluate our film in our A2 year to make our film even better. One of our weaknesses during our film was to write with red lipstick on a mirror but the camera couldn't quite pick up on the writing because of the light and seeing the camera reflection in the background. We then had a few ideas from the other groups as to how we could have done this and what to do in the future. Having audience feedback helped us to evaluate our films weaknesses. Positive feedback we got was are use of black and white editing technology to show that our film was a dream.

Using conventions from real media texts
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? 
Ways in which our media product uses, develops or challenges conventions of real media products is the dialogue, music, techniques and shots to make it seem like a real media product. By only having a main character it builds more tension and uses typical conventions of a horror film. We also used realistic titles such as those in horror films which flashed in and out to give an impression of eeriness.