Monday, September 26, 2011

Research and planning - Who are trailers aimed at?

Today in our media lesson, we were assigned to analyse different types of target audiences from different film genres. Below I have posted the table in which we were assigned to complete:


Target Audience

Features Appealing To Target Audience

Age Of Heroes

- 25-35 skewed to men
- Historians

- Action Genre
- Guns and explosion
- Set in war times
- Details of the war
- Fast paste editing
- Short takes
- silver and grey colours, bold text which represent masculinity

Transformers: Dark of the moon

- 16-25 years skewed to boys
- possibly to young teenage girls who are interested in the young romance between the two main characters but is mainly dominated to boys

- Robots and astronauts which represents males interests
- The film starts off as a documentary/factual style
- High use of dramatic music/slow tension music building up at the start of the film

- 25- 35 skewed to men
- Targeted for people who like formula 1 racing
- Beginning of the trailer is much more factual like
- Predominantly skewed to men

- Fast paste music
- Sense of humour
- Font is simple, clear and white
- Words which are used, genius and legend are targeted towards competitive men and are aimed towards men as opposed to women

By analysing the different target audiences for these three film trailers, it has been able to give my group and I an idea as to what kind of audience we are going to need to aim our film trailer to. This has helped due to all three of these films having a similar genre to one another which is action. This task has also helped by showing us the types of features we have to include in an action film to appeal to our target audience.

Potential Target Audience Bank

Teenage boys and girls / Families / Couples / 16-25 years skewed to boys / 16-25 years skewed to girls / 25 - 35 years skewed to women / 25-35 skewed to men / 35+

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