Monday, December 12, 2011

Research and Planning - Typical Vulnerable Young Teen Characters In A Horror Film

As I have done similarly with the villian character on the post below I thought it would be a good idea to do research into the typical, vulnerable teen character that you would find in a horror film, to get to know what kind of character we are going to need to include in our teaser trailer.

  • The typical vulnerable young teen in a horror film usually plays one of the main parts in this type of genre, as usually the film is based around a vulnerable girl and a villain etc. This main character in some horror films could be an attractive young girl who is the queen bee, being all centre of attention it's all about 'me me me', has the typical joc boyfriend, and will normally have two best friends however, she picks on the 'nerd', 'geek's at school and they get nasty revenge which goes too far.  

  • However, in some horror films this maybe different and the typical vulnerable young teen isn't the most popular girl in school, she is just a sweet innocent young girl living her day to day life. This character will usually be, pretty, slim, popular with the boys, vulnerable, trustworthy towards others.

  • This character usually goes through a lot during the film, and it is always 50/50 whether they will die or not but most of the time they manage to survive and defend themselves, it is usually very unlikely that they die in this genre, it would usually be their friends or family that get hurt and die.
Below are some typical protagonists in horror films;

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