Thursday, February 2, 2012

Research and Planning - Film Poster Taster

Today in our media lesson we were shown how to use Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator and we were given a step by step instruction of what we had to follow to create a draft film magazine poster, this was just a test run to show us how illustrator works, so it's not all new to us when we start to make our final pieces.

There were many different subheadings that had roughly about 3 steps under each subheading which we had to follow to complete our task. The different subheadings included;

Layout and Construction
Photoshop tips
Removing the background
Illustrator tips

Photoshop and Illustrator are both complex programs, with more features than we need to use for the ancillary task. A simple way of looking at them is to think of photoshop in terms of photo/image editing - preparing your image for poster/cover; and to use Illustrator as a tool for laying out the elements that will make up your printwork.

- Most film posters will have the following basic elements: Title, Tagline, Image and Billing Block
- Many will also have one or two of the starring actor's names prominently featured
- The image may be a photograph, a drawing or a stylised logo.
- The billing block is essentially the credits for the film studio logos, and film classification logos will also be arranged as part of the billing block.

Below I have attached the brief draft that I produced in my media lesson;

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