Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Uninvited - Poster

I have looked at 'The Uninvited' poster. I really like this poster, I find it so engaging with the audience. The harsh black and white really accentuate the silhouette. The position of the silhouette suggest the eerie nature of the character and the peering in really does appear frightening. The fact that the body language is encroaching on the audience in a threatening manner but we cannot see (what we assume is a her) face and therefore not her emotion which is scary tot he audience. I really like the woods in the background which again as I have looked at before give the impression of isolation from society.

Another thing that I really find in increasing the genre and hype about the film, is the font type. The scrawling handwritten text looks child like and a classic horror font, which I feel works really well with the image and therefore adds to the tension and overall feel of the film.

By putting the audience in the situation, you really get a sense for what the film is about and therefore this makes the audience want to go and see the rest of the film

The Blaire Witch Project - Poster

Below I have looked at the Blaire Witch Project poster. I really like the was the poster is composed. The factual information is presented in the middle really does make the poster seem as a factual information poster instead of a film advertisement which I think really draws in the audience. I also like the way that two main elements of the poster are faded into one image with the woods fading into what we assume is the main character a helpless crying young woman, I think this image is really terrifying because it is so realistic.

To do list

  • Soundtrack research (non copyright music)
  • Costume and location research
  • Actors and props photos
  • Audience Research (typical audience member and similar films)
  • Uploaded YouTube videos of teaser trailers and titles analysed in detail
  • Upload YouTube videos of similar genre films analysed in detail
  • Institution research (Paramount etc)
  • Certificate research
  • Font research for magazine/poster etc
  • Film Magazines researched and analysed
  • Teaser posters researched and analysed


  • Own film idea brainstorm
  • Own film treatment
  • Shot lists
  • Questionnaire (and feedback)
  • Photos etc of filming
  • Diary of filming/editing etc with photos and screen grabs
  • Mood board
  • Storyboard - prezi
  • Script
  • Practice titles created and uploaded

Music Soundtrack

Over the last few days my group and I have been looking into our music sountrack, using 'Audio Network'. We used the same website last year for our media product and found that it was a good, simple website to use.

Below I have attached the soundtrack which will be used in our final teaser trailer product, we feel that this track goes well with our footage and creates the tense, horror atmosphere we are trying to create. We will use Adobe Premiere to upload the soundtrack and then it will be played all throughout the soundtrack, starting during the Paramount logo.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Film Poster - Examples and Conventions

The Uninvited

- The font used stands out against the black background as it's bold and white. My group and I will be using a similar font and background colour scheme as this is similar to what we used in out trailer for the titles.

- The black and white image ensures focus on th text but also the subject of the image. Black and white film posters can usually give away the genre of the film, usually being a horror film.

- The type of image that is used, faceless person, gives a mysterious feeling to the audience by how the image is shown (person looking through the window)


- The use of red for the background colour indicates danger and stands out bright and clear to the viewes

- The use of white writing throughout the poster and in capital letters 'VALENTINE' under the main image and stands out clearly against the red background

- The main image on the poster shows a scary figure, possibly being a mask of a young child

- At the bottom of the poster, the month as to when the film will be released is shown however, it is not giving the exact date as to when the film will be out in cinemas. This is a feature which my group and I will be using in our own film poster

    One Missed Call

    - Dark background which means the image, font, colour of the writing (white and red) on the poster stands out to draw the audiences eye

    - A quote is quoted at the top of the poster to enitse the viewers in, by which is makes the audience more interested in the film and are being persuaded to watch the film and also by the use of red that is used, indicates danger

    - The strange and horrific image on the front of the poster indicates that the person is wearing a mask which ticks of the stereotypical conventions of a horror film

    Let Me In

    - The poster contains ice as the background which gives a feeling of innocense to the audience and black letters in capital letters for the writing, also having the word 'ME' in blood staines which catch's the audience's eye instantly which means danger, the red also stands out a lot more when it is up against a white background

    - The poster doesn't contain too much information about the film compared to other film posters that I have analyses, only the director is produced onto the poster, this could mean that the poster had been released early when they were still in the progress of making the film or could mean that they did not want to unvail too much information about the film

    Paranormal Activity

    - The poster contains red font infront of a black background, by which it gives a feeling of danger which is shown throughout this film

    - The image across the middle of the poster has been edited to tinted blue, also showing the main comvention of this film is that it's filmed on a home video camera, which gives the film a more realistic approach

    - At the top of poster there are quotations which are to make the viewers become more interested in the film, also by having quotations on a poster it informers the viewer that this film is worth seeing

    - 'In Cinemas November 25' is indicated in white at the bottom of the poster, the rest of the writing is in red, however this stands out from all the other writing because it is clear and shows to the audience when the film will be released to watch, this is a good feature to have on a poster

    Film Magazine - Empire Title

    As my group and I have decided to use empire magazine to have our film shown on, I decided to research into the different empire front covers of films to see how the 'EMPIRE' logo is positioned.

    The different film magazine covers above show how the 'EMPIRE' logo is positioned. I have managed to find in photoshop the Magic wand tool, whereby you can select each letter individually and then add it to a film magazine front cover. This is something I will keep in mind, in which i may use on my own magazine front cover. As my group and I aren't too sure where we will be placing the 'EMPIRE' logo yet, it all depends on the image that we will have on the front cover.

    Empire Magazine

    Here I have looked at the empire film magazine, as this is the magazine we want to have our film shown on. This magazine looks at the big block buster films that are released, below I have looked at some of the eye catching covers that I think are really effective front covers for catching the audience's eye. By looking at these different magazine covers there are some obvious conventions (simple image, font colour matching image and font titles in the trailer).

    Friday, March 2, 2012

    Warner Bros. Pictures and Approval Screen

    My group and I will be using a Youtube converterm to convert our Paramount which we are going to edit into at the beginning of our teaser trailer to give it a realistic look. We will also be using the green Approval screeen to give it a realistic approach to a teaser trailer. We were going to use Warner Bro.s Pictures however, we havent been able to find a logo shorter than 20 seconds which is too long for our teaser trailer so we have decided to change our logo to paramount which is shorter than 20 seconds.

    Practice Film Titles

    Font used: Adobe Garamond Pro
    Colour: White
    Style: Bold Italic
    Text Size: 120

    Above I have displayed practice film titles for our film. These were created using Adobe Premiere, whereby I have added a black background with white writing in capital letters over the top, which can be compared to the film 'Valentine' trailer titles. The theme represents the genre of the film, horror/romance. We will be using something very similar to this for our teaser trailer. Below I have displayed an example of a film title from the film valentine:


    Today my group and I went to the woods to do our second lot of filming for our teaser trailer. We hadn't been able to film for a few weeks before today because we had to find a camera that was available to use and also that everyone is able to attend. We managed to do shots in the woods, of high angles and long shots. Even though most horror films happen at night, we have filmed during the day in Oxshott woods, by setting our location in the woods we have been able to give a horror feel to the scene which is what we were hoping to do.

    My group and I have found that as we are doing a teaser trailer this year as opposed to a two minute opening of a film, we need lots of shots that we are able to edit altogether as opposed to making long shots. We have found that within some shots we need only 2-5 words in a shot instead of long dialogue conversation. By making a teaser trailer, it has made my group and I realise that by going by our shot list, script and story board it is going to be fairly difficult as we didn't quite realise how many shots we are going to need need to make it a realistic teaser trailer. So far we haven't managed to stick to the story/shot list as much as we hoped however, this does not matter too much as we are making a teaser trailer that doesn't need to tell too much of a story.

    Below I have added some of the location shots from todays filming;

    Statue memoral - this is going to be included into our teaser trailer (locationed in the woods)

    High angle shot of the woods and a long shot of the house


    Over the last week we haven't been able to film, due to numerous reasons. My group and I have come to a group decision and have decided that we will not be using Matt for our film, so we have decided to use David instead as we know he will fit the character perferctly for our film. With not being able to film at all this week, we haven't been able to go by our filming schedule, which I had produced last week. The plan is to start filming the first few scenes next Tuesday.