Friday, January 6, 2012

Research and Planning - How Woods Can Create Affect In Horror Films

As my group and I have decided to do some of our filming in a wood scene and down alley ways, I felt it would be appropriate to look at how woodland areas have been used in horror films to create the nail biting and heart racing atmospheres, that a horror loving audience set out to experience. I have watched the following horror films where I have discovered each had a wood element to it and then discussed it below.

The Strangers:

The Strangers is most probably one of the scariest films I have ever watched. The strangers manages to terrify their audience with the impeccable timing, eerie sounds and twisted characters and this is exactly what happened to me the first time when I watched the film. The Strangers is truly horrifying and purely because it is so realistic, where there is no happy ending, which makes it a stereotypical horror film, with it's supernatural element and when someone dies they stay dead. The woods isolate the victims, no where left to run flashes through the audiences head as they figure out this is where the events are set. The film is entirely shot through the night and so the darkness really give the ominous feel to the woods, making this the perfect place for the murderers to hide away.

In conclusion woods really do play a significant role in setting the mood for horror film and can help effect the audience's expectation and opinion of the film and effect the way they approach the film. I feel that this is something that we have to get right when filming our scenes in the woods for our trailer.

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