Monday, January 16, 2012


Below I have created a rough outline of the script that we will be using however, as we are filming a teaser trailer we may have to cut out a few of the lines to make it all fit together and also as we are planning on having a voice over we may not need as much dialogue.
(Emma and Matt's eyes meet as they see eachother on the station platform)

(Emma sits down on the chair)

(Matt walks towards Emma and sits down on the chair next to Emma)

Matt: Hi there
Emma: Err Hi, sorry but I couldn't help but notice you were staring at me

Matt: (looks a little akward) I couldn't help but not notice your natural beauty

Emma: (Smiles and laughs) thank you

Matt: Sorry i've embarressed you, it's not everyday that I'll come across someone so beautiful

(Emma does a nervous laugh)

Matt: It would kill me if I didn't get your number
Emma: Yeah ok, sure (writes down  number)

(Matt get's his phone out)
Matt: I'll text you
(Emma walks towards an alley way leading towards the woods)

(Matt texts Emma saying 'get home ok? x')

(Emma replies to the text 'Yes I did thanks x')

(Emma notice's Matt standing outside her house)

Emma: Er hey, how did you know where i live? Come in...

Matt: Oh thanks I will, I brought you some flowers

Emma: Take a seat in here, I'll just be a second

(Emma is on the phone to a friend)

Emma: You will never believe it, I met a guy and he's so nice, you will never guess how i met him

Emma: Yeah I think I am starting to fall for him, but yeah I guess it is early days

(Emma drops phone)


(Matt walks towards a girl who is starting to walk up the alley way, she drops her keys as their eyes meet)

(Matt and the girl bend down at the same time to pick up the keys, their eyes meet again but this time for longer)

Girl: Errr thanks

Matt: No problem

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