Monday, October 10, 2011

Research and Planning - One Day Film Trailer Analysis

  • I have posted the trailer 'One Day' which introduces very little information on the story line, along with representing the genre, narrative, target audience and along with many other aspects to the film.

  • The trailer begins by playing soft romantic music and showing a clip from the film which has dialogue. The dialogue that is used for example, ''when we were at university I had a crush on you'' hints to the audience already the genre of the film. The audience straight away know's that the genre of this film is romance, this is done through the use of dialogue, music and the way the two main characters are represented i.e cuddling and kissing in a way that two people in a relationship would. This hints the target audience would range from the age 16 and above.

  • The Narrative of the film is two characters meet eachother at uni, they become close friends, slowly dirft apart and move on from one another, later on they both realise their in love, ends with a tragic accident and the girl dies.

  • The unique selling point of this film varies. One of the main unique selling points would be for the fact that one of the main characters is a very well known actress, Anne Hathaway, which makes the film appeal to a wider audience. Also that the genre of the film is romance which usually appeals to women rather than men however, the film is not a stereotypical romantic film. Another aspect of the film which is unique is how the film is used as a timeline (going back in time). Lastly the most important unique selling point for the film is the fact that the film is a novel which has become successful and well known.

  • The music throughout the trailer is romantic and a fast pace at the beginning to show the setting, however the pace then starts to slow . This is accompanied by a voiceover who is telling the story ''on the day they met, Dexter and Emma never imagined how their lives inerside over the next 20 years'' leaving the audience to want to find out more, and to know exactly how the film ends. The music reflects on the type of mood in the film i.e when Emma and Dexter are kissing the music reflects the mood (happiness) however, when you see Dexter looking down and troubled ''I need to speak to someone, not someone you'' the music changes.

  • Medium and long shots are used briefly to show the audience where the film is taken place (Scotland, London) though the shots are very quick, meaning the audience is given just a brief idea as to where the film is taken place. The pace of the film is fairly slow due to how long the actual film trailer is, (2 minutes and 37 seconds) which is quite long for a trailer. Some shots are longer than others, but by showing only small glimpses of the film, it puts the audience into the question of what is really going on?, which trys to grab the audiences attention to make them want to watch more. For example one bit in the trailer, Dexter and Emma decide to go skinny dipping, this would make the audience intregued and wanting to find out what happens.

  • The dialogue that is used is loving for example when Dexter says to Emma ''I'm so much better when you're around'', this is used to show that Dexter trusts Emma and shows that he has passionate feelings for her. The type of dialogue that is used is stereotypical to the kind of dialogue you would find in a romantic genre.

  • Credits are added to the trailer towards the mid-end of the film such as 'Friendship and Loss'. The font is the same throughout all the credits (bold with white font) with powerful words 'Power' and 'Love' to stand out to grab the audiences attention to keep the credits remembered, so if the audience look back on the film they will remember that it was about 'friendship and loss'. The types of words that are used in the credits 'love' give away to who the film is most likely to be targeted to, teenagers and women.

  • Overall I think this trailer is effective because it ticks off the main conventions of a film trailer, quick shots, fast and short paces throughout the trailer, it manages to represent the genre (romance) and shows the audience to who the film is targeted to and uses great parts of the film without revealing too much of the plot line, wanting the audience to be intrigued to find out more.

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