Monday, October 10, 2011

Research and Planning - What are the different conventions between a Teaser and a Trailer?

Today my class and I begun our A2 course in media. For our first class we were assigned to list what is a teaser trailer and what is a trailer? we were also asked to list the different conventions between the two.

What is a trailer?

- A trailer is an advertisement or a commercial for a feature film, that will be exhibited in the future cinema.

- The term 'trailer' comes from there having originally been shown at the end of a feature film screening.

- Trailers did not last long at the end of the films, because patrons tended to leave the theatre after the film had finished, but the name had stuck. Trailers are now shown before the film begins.

- Film trailers have now become popular on DVDs and Blu-ray Discs, as well as on the internet.

What is a teaser trailer?

- A teaser trailer is a short trailer used to advertise an upcoming films, television programs, video game or similar, usually released long in advance of the product, so as to 'tease' the audience.

- Teaser trailers, unlike typical movie trailers, are usually very short in length, usually between 30-60 seconds and contain little information, if any, actual footage from the film, making the audience interested and 'teased'.

- Teaser trailers also provide the name of the film, the genre of the film, the release date, and the target audience the film is aimed at.

Different conventions between a teaser and a trailer

- Teaser trailers are usually under 1 minute, whereas theatrical trailers are usually between 1-2 minutes

- A teaser trailer contains much shorter and faster editing

- Teaser trailer contains minimal information i.e 'coming soon', whereas a trailer trys to give you more of the story line

- A trailer is a lot more likely to include the director, actors and produces of the film

- Theatrical trailers are made for a purpose to show you the best bits of the film

- A teaser trailer and a theatrical trailer will contain the genre of the film

- A teaser trailer is non linear, whereby they don't follow a time line e.g the order of the film whereas a theatrical trailer will

In order for the teaser trailer and the extended trailer to be judged successfully, depends on the amount of people attracted to watch the film at the cinema. If the film does well at the box office, then the trailers have obviously been successful in getting an audience to see the film.

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