Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Analysis of Valentine trailer

I have choosen to analyse this trailer as it is of the same genre of what we have choose to base our trailer on, it also follows a similar storyline, therefore, gives us ideas for shots and potential music.
The trailer opens with two female characters who look carefree and happy, this is an instant sign that these characters inparticular will not be that way much longer as the audience know they are watching a horror film not a comedy or chick flick. The girls are also young and attractive which is a conventional element in a horror.

Length:  1:59
Narrative of Trailer: Four Friends start to receive morbid valentine day cards. Someone out there is stalking them....someone they all spurned when they were younger. And Valentines Day 2001 is the Day she/he gets their revenge
Dialogue: A lot, also used as voice overs
Cast Info: Not explicity mentioned, however fans of the franchise will know who they are
Release Date: February 2nd 2001
Distriuted By: Warner Bros. Pictures

  • The trailer opens with two female characters who look carefree and happy, this is an instant sign that these characters inparticular will not be that way much longer as the audience know they are watching a horror film not a comedy or chick flick. The girls are also young and attractive which is a conventional element in a horror. 
  • The contrast of the horror element mixed in with the idea of 'Valentines Day' is extremeley effective as it shows that the day is not going to be filled with love and happiness instead it will be based on fear and horror. This is further showed with the narrator saying, 'Unlike the past this one would not be a dream come true, this one would be a nightmare' .
  • The lighting reflects the genre throughout with dark lighting in the horror scenes and bright lighting in the romantic scenes, this is an element we may use in our trailer.
  • The songs behind the trailer are effective as they contradict the typical valentines day, the lyrics, 'I love you, I love you' are said in a husky, chilling voice which insinuates negative love rather than romantic happy love.
  • The use of fast paced action is also an element we will be using in our trailer, for example, when the girls are getting attacked the music mirrors their mood and the killers actions .
  • The knife is clearly showed throughout the trailer, indicating this will be one of the weapons that will be used.

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