Thursday, November 17, 2011

Research and Planning - Audience profiling - Halloween

  • This is the audience profile found for the film 'Halloween' that I have used in my previous coursework research . I found this audience profile on the website ''Pearl and Dean''. This website shows up coming films, their ratings etc and compares them to show these results.

  • From looking at this audience profile, I can see, that the main age group that viewed this film was 15-24 (the film itself was rated 15). I can also see that the percentage of men and women who came to see the film also shows that the film was more popular with a male audience.

  • This shows that the Horror genre (or this film inparticular) was popular with adolescent teens through through to young adults. I think this is because horror films give a thrill factor to the audience, this will appeal to a younger audience more so than 30-40 year olds. The narrative of the film itself may also appeal to this age group as the characters in the film ''Halloween'' are infact young of the older end of this age group. This may give a relatable side to the film and therefore make this age group more attracted to the film. This may also appeal to the younger end of this age group as they will be able to relate to the characters 'life styles in their future life.

  • This particular age group would be attracted to this as to see for themselves if they found the film to be as scary as it was said to have been and see if it deserved it's popularity. The fact that most of these audience members are male may also show a masculine view of this genre. Maybe men find the horror/fear side of this genre more appealing than women do. This maybe because they are meant to be masculine, they want to appear not to be scared by the images shown.

  • I will need to consider this target audience when creating my teaser trailer. By considering this I will make sure that my trailer will appeal to this spercific target audience '15-24'. I can do this by adding references throughout my trailer to topics or phrases, I know myself are popular within this audience group, as I am especially knowledgeable in this area, for the lower end of this age group. There is a larger male percentage that viewed this film. I will take this highly into consideration with my narrative planning and teaser trailer.

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