Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Research and Planning - Friends With Benefits Film Titles


  • 0.16 seconds into the trailer, the production company is shown but only quickly. This is used to give away the genre of the film and possibly the budget. Whilst watching film trailers some audiences maybe familiar with the different types of production company's for example, when seeing 'Dreamworkds' or 'pixar' most people will familiarize that the film is going to be an animated family film, rather than something of the horror or action genre.

  • The font is big and bold meaning it stands out for the audience to see, and the use of colours (orange and white) connects with the genre of the film, romance, and is continuous throughout the trailer. The beginning of the letter from each word is in orange and in capitals which catches the audiences eye as it's bright. By changing the colour of the first letter of the word it connects to the audience by defining to them this is what the film is about. The titles are scrolled quickly onto the screen from the left and this is a typical feature in a film trailer. I am thinking about using these different title affects in my teaser trailer as i reckon it would look affective and realistic.
  • The trailer does not include a voiceover however, the characters are the ones who are talking and giving away the storyline. My group and I will soon discuss whether we will use a voiceover or not.

  • As the film is a romance, the audience can usually guess the typical narrative. The film doesn't really have an in depth storyline and so it is easy to guess how the story will end. (good friends, with benefits, fall in love).

  • In this film trailer there is a lot of dialogue used, seeing as their is no voiceover, this in some cases can ruin the trailer as it may give away a big chunk of the plot. However, this film is a ramnce and not a horror which can use very little dialogue to keep the audinece tense. In my own film there will be dialogue used but not so much that the whole plot line is revealed.

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