Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Research and Planning - Location photos

  •  The setting location of the film is going to be based in Oxshott. This is where I live and my group and I feel that this is the best location for the film to be shot.
  • The reasons as to why we have chosen to set the film in this location, is because it has allocated alley ways, woods, train station and railway all nearby to one another and also my house is right by which will be easy to get to from the different locations. This is a great location for the genre that we have chosen 'romance horror'. I feel that this location choice will be affective, and it will create a tense, eerie vibe to the audience which we will try to portray.
  • The house itself where the scenes will be filmed inside, is set out perefectly as to how we need it however, we will need to move a few things around that we may feel are not needed to be shown in the film.
  •  The filming will be taken when the day is light as this will be effective for our teaser trailer, as last year we had trouble shooting in the dark because you were unable to see anything on the camera due to there not being a flash light, which made us have to change our location.

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